How to Clean Spider Poop From Windows

How to Clean Spider Poop From Windows

Spider poop is a common problem for homeowners with vinyl siding and can stain and discolor the exterior of your home if left untreated. These pin head-size splats or drips are actually a combination of digested insect parts and waste products, and they often appear in inconspicuous places like corners, on the floor underneath furniture, or even on your window sill. Read more

To deal with this Cleaning spider poop from windows problem, there are a few different cleaning methods you can try. First, you can try using a Magic Eraser. Just get the eraser wet and gently rub it over the poop to break down and remove it. Just be careful if you’re using it on painted surfaces or delicate things, as sometimes Magic Erasers can take off paint or finishes.

Effective Tips for Cleaning Spider Poop from Windows

You can also try spraying Scrubbing Bubbles directly onto the spots of poop and letting it sit for a few minutes. This gives the foam time to lift and dissolve the droppings, making it easier for you to wipe them away. Be sure to rinse everything off afterwards to get rid of any leftover cleaner.

Another great way to deal with spider poop is to simply clean regularly and use fly repellents or fly traps. This will help reduce the number of flies buzzing around your home and make it much easier to keep them off your windows. And of course, putting screens on your windows is always a good idea too! They’re easy to install and maintain, and they let you enjoy the fresh air without all the annoying flies.

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